jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

The Truth About Baby Weight Review

Recently, I came across an astonishing figure that caught my attention…99% of women struggle with the last few pounds gained during their pregnancies, even though they are eating clean and exercising daily. How is that possible? I know a lot of women who I think look pretty good after having a baby, but apparently they aren’t exactly where they want to be. Being a health nut, I was intrigued by this topic and curious as to what could be causing a few pounds to linger. So I contacted Holly Doss, the Author of The Truth About Baby Weight and asked if she would be willing to tell me more. Her straight, honest answer:“There are 6 crucial components to losing baby weight and only two of them actually pertain to diet and exercise. Even then, the types of foods and exercises must be ones that encourage Postpartum weight loss. Unfortunately, many women struggle with baby weight for years and are unable to piece it all together. That’s why I wrote The Truth About Baby Weight. Knowing t

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