viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Family Self Defence Review

When I first became a parent, I was up every night thinking of everything my child and family could need from me. I’d always been a happy go lucky guy before that. I never got into fights, never had enemies, just enjoyed life. But now, as a father, I had something I needed to fight for, something I had to protect – with my life if need be. And so my sleepless nights increased.I talked to friends, family. “Get a gun” was a common response, but with gun-related tragedies happening nearly every few months in the US, I didn’t want my children to become part of these alarming statistics. I knew there was a better solution than more guns, so I kept looking. My looking led me to a friend of mine I’d lost contact with. He’d become a father several years before me, and while he settled down I was still acting like I was 21. Thankfully, he was happy to give advice to a new father.What he told me changed everything for me and my family. He told me about the Family self defence Syst

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