miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Critical Bench Review

Critical Bench by Mike Westerdal, accomplished fitness instructor, author, and highly-successful power lifter is one of the best programs available for power body building.  The Critical Bench program uses effective power-building routines and exercises to help build and enhance your body’s strength and overall fitness level.  It combines weight lifting with body sculpting using different bench techniques and exercises.  Despite power lifters strength, many are overweight due to their singular focus on building muscle mass above all other forms of fitness.  The result is a strong but plump looking body.  Mike Westerdal has the fix for the dumpy body power lifter: The Critical Bench program!Critical Bench is custom designed to both build muscle and trim unwanted body fat.  This effective program teaches you insightful power building techniques and concepts that will not improve your ability to bench press, but also improve your over looks as well.  Not only will you notice imp

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